
夏小平 特聘教授

来源:   发布:2024-02-27 17:46:32  点击量:

 夏小平,男,1977年生,汉族,重庆市万州区人,二级教授, 博士生导师。2001年毕业于中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系,获地球化学和电子工程学双学士学位;2005年于香港大学地球科学系获博士学位;2005-2009年,香港大学地球科学系研究助理, 博士后, 荣誉助理教授;2009年获中国科学院引进国外杰出人才计划(百人计划)资助在广州地球化学研究所工作,2021年入选中科院关键技术人才,是我国首批嫦娥五号研究样品使用负责人之一。2024年作为学科领军人才调入长江大学。主要从事元素和同位素分析地球化学及我国区域地质演化研究。在快速、高效率激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry LA-ICPMS高真空、高精度二次离子质谱(Secondary Ion Mass SpectrometrySIMS,也叫做离子探针)矿物年代测定、挥发份含量及同位素等原位微区分析实验方法、新标准物质研制、矿物水含量新研究体系构建及其在地球早期演化、行星科学以及我国华北克拉通早前寒武纪拼合、三江地区古特提斯洋陆闭合等的科学应用研究中做出系列有国际影响力的贡献,主要包括:(1)率先在国际上把大型高精度SIMS分析水含量的背景值降低到0.15ppm,建立了水含量和氢\氧同位素组成的同步分析以及高精度SCl同位素组成SIMS分析系列新技术,研制了锆石、橄榄石、辉石水含量锆石H同位素、硫化物S同位素标准物质\;(2)构建了锆石水含量研究新体系并成功对华北克拉通晚太古代俯冲构造起始和中生代克拉通破坏前后岩浆水含量变化进行了应用示范研究,并初步应用于月球、火星等陨石研究,拓展了锆石学的研究范畴,获取了系列新认识;(3)提出了古特提斯哀牢山洋双向俯冲消减演化模型,揭示了哀牢山洋板片俯冲与峨眉山地幔柱相互影响、相互作用的过程和机制;(4)厘清了华北克拉通孔兹岩系形成时代是古元古代,且其源区在2.1Ga经历了显著的地壳增生,为华北克拉通于古元古代而非太古代最终拼合的认识提供了强有力证据。

在包括Nature CommunicationGeology等刊物上共发表SCI期刊论文200篇。其中第一作者及通讯作者50篇含5篇封面文章、Earth and Planetary Science Letters EPSL1篇、Geophysical Research Letters GRL3篇、American MineralogistAM3篇、Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry JAAS5篇、Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research GGR2篇、 American Mineralogist AM2篇、GSA Bulletin 5篇,Tectonics 2篇。 SCI引用一万多次,8篇论文入选(含曾入选)ESI 1%高引用论文,单篇最高引用400次。H-index47,获批国家发明专利6项,软件著作权2项。主持多项国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目以及国家重点研发计划子课题等。现任全国岩石矿物地球化学学会微束微区分析专业委员会副主任委员,全国岩石矿物地球化学学会岩矿分析测试专业委员会委员Frontier in Earth Science副主编,Geoscience Frontiers编委。


ORCID iD:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3203-039X 







-LA-ICPMS/SIMS含U矿物如锆石,金红石,独居石等 U-Th-Pb同位素地质年代学方法学及应用研究







1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,42130304,印支板块与华南板块穿时碰撞拼合的沉积和岩浆记录2022.01-2026.12,  293万,在研,主持;

2. 科技部国家重点研发计划变革性技术关键科学问题专项子课题,2018YFA0702601,电子探针和SIMS低含量挥发分及Li-Be等元素分析新技术,2019.09-2024.2, 188万, 在研,主持;

3. 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究“典型地区岩石圈组成、演化与深部过程”专题子课题, 2019QZKK0702 “藏东南岩石圈演化与高原向东南扩展 201911月至20241045.31万,在研,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 41673010, 大型离子探针测试锆石中水含量方法开发、参考物质研制及其对增生型造山带岩浆岩的应用, 2017.01-2020.12, 72万,已结题,主持;

5. 科技部国家重点研发计划深地资源勘查开采专项子课题,2016YFC0600407,三江地区中生代的岩浆活动及其深部动力学过程与成矿,2016.07-2020.12, 80万, 已结题,主持;

6. 广州市科学研究专项重点项目,201607020029,二次离子质谱原位微区分析技术开发与应用,2016.04-2019.03, 250万 已结题,主持;

7.国家自然科科学研究专项学基金面上项目,41173007,哀牢山构造带两侧古-中生代盆地沉积充填与物源示踪研究,2012.01-2015.12 85万,已结题,主持;

8. 国家自然科学基金重大研究项目子课题:41190073,东古特提斯洋封闭与南方古大陆拼合,2012/01-2016/12320万元,已结题,参加;


10. 中国科学院引进国外杰出人才计划,资源环境类,2009/12-2013/12260万,已结题,主持




1. Zexian Cui, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Qing Yang*, Kai Wang, Wan-Feng Zhang, Yan-Qiang Zhang, Yanan Yang, Xiaozhi Yang, Jian Xu, Ultra-low H2O content analyses using a large-geometry secondary ion mass spectrometer, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, in press

2. Wenting Huang , Michael Stock , Paul Guyett , Xiao-Ping Xia*Hua-Ying Liang*, Weidong Sun, Chun-Kit LaiReconstructing volatile exsolution in porphyry ore-forming magma chamber: Perspectives from apatite inclusionsAmerican Mineralogist, in press

3. Qijing Chen, Zhong-Yuan Ren, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Le Zhang, Qing Yang, and Chao YuanWater content and hydrogen isotopes of olivine-hosted melt inclusions in the Dali picrites, SW China: Reassessing the role of water in the formation of the Emeishan large igneous provinceJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, in press https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB027547

4. Chuan-Mao Yang, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Yu-Ya Gao, Xue Wang, Wan-Feng Zhang, Ze-xian Cui, Ya-Nan Yang, Qing Yang, Yi-Gang Xu. Effects of thermal annealing on water content and δ18O in zircon, American Mineralogist108 (3) 2023, 543–551.

5. Wan-Feng Zhang, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Sato Yuti, Takahashi Eiich1, Ze-Xian Cui, Yan-Qiang Zhang, Qing Yang, Ya-Nan Yang, Li Li, Yi-Gang Xu. 'Potential clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene reference materials for SIMS water content analysis', Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38, 2023, 609

6. Mo, Jing, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Peng-Fei Li, Christopher J. Spencer, Chun-Kit Lai, Jian Xu, Qing Yang, Ming-Dao Sun, Yang Yu and Luke Milan. Water-in-Zircon: A Discriminant between S- and I-Type Granitoid, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178, no. 1 (2023): 5

7. Jing Mo, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Meiling Zhou, Chun-Kit Lai, Zexian Cui, Jian Xu, and Felix Aidoo, Detrital Zircon U–Pb Age Constraints on the Meso-Tethys Ocean Closure in Se Asia, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 531 (2023), SP531-2022-133

8. Zexian Cui Xiao-Ping Xia*, Christopher J. Spencer, Hejiu Hui, Qing Yang, Wan-Feng Zhang, Le Zhang, Yongjiang Xu, Jian Xu, Chun-Kit Lai, Yanqiang ZhangIncorporation of hydrogen into zircon through multi-coupling mechanisms and its geochemical implications, LITHOS 446–447 (2023) 107127

9. Wenting Huang, Michael J. Stock, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Xiaoming Sun, Zexian Cui, Ouyang Liuyun, Jian Zhang, Xilian Chen, Yi Zheng, and Huaying Liang*Determining the impact of magma water contents on porphyry Cu fertility: Constraints from hydrous and nominally anhydrous mineral analyses , GSAB, in press

10. Jian Xu, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Chang-Qing Yin, Christopher J. Spencer, Chun-Kit Lai, Le Zhang, and Ze-Xian Cui, 'Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Granitoids in the Diancangshan-Ailaoshan Fold Belt: Implications on the Neoproterozoic Subduction and Crustal Melting Along the Southwestern Yangtze Block, South China', Precambrian Research, 383 (2022), 106907.

11. Cui, Zexian; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Yang, Qing; Gong, Bing; Zhang, Wan-Feng; Zhang, Yan-Qiang; Lai, Chun-Kit, SIMS Zircon Hydrogen Isotope and H2O Content Analyses and Reference Material Development, Atomic Spectroscopy in January, 2022

12. Yang, Chuan-Mao;  Xu, Yi-Gang*; Xia, Xiao-Ping*;  Yang, Jin-Hui;  Sun, Jin-Feng;  Zhang, Wan-Feng;  Yang, Qing;  Yang, Ya-Nan, High Water Contents in Zircons Suggest Water-Fluxed Crustal Melting During Cratonic Destruction, Geophysical Research Letters on April 16, 2022

13. Zexian Cui;  Xiao-Ping Xia*;  Xiao-Long Huang;  Jian Xu;  Qing Yang;  Wan-Feng Zhang;  Le Zhang;  Chun-Kit Lai;  Xue Wang, Meso- to Neoarchean geodynamic transition of the North China Craton indicated by H2O-in-zircon for TTG suite, Precambrian Research in April, 2022

14. Jian Xu;  Xiao-Ping Xia*;  Qiang Wang;  Christopher J. Spencer;  Chun-Kit Lai;  Le Zhang, Two magma fractionation paths for continental crust growth: Insights from the adakite-like and normal-arc granites in the Ailaoshan fold belt (SW Yunnan, China), GSA Bulletin on March 16, 2022

15. Cui, Zexian;  Yang, Qing*;  Xia, Xiao-Ping*;  Wang, Rui;  Bonifacie, Magali;  Lai, Chun-Kit;  Zhang, Wan-Feng;  Zhang, Yan-Qiang;  Xu, Jian, High-precision apatite δ37Cl measurement by SIMS with a 10(12) omega amplifier Faraday cup, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry on February 09, 2022

16. Xu, Jian; Xiao-Ping Xia*; Wang, Qiang; Spencer, Christopher J.; Chun-Kit Lai; Jin-Long Ma; Zhang, Le; Ze-Xian Cui; Wan-Feng Zhang; Yan-Qiang Zhang, Pure sediment-derived granites in a subduction zone, GSA Bulletin in March, 2022

17. Xu, Jian; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Wang, Qiang; Spencer, Christopher J.; He, Bin; Lai, Chun-Kit, Low-δ18O A-type granites in SW China: Evidence for the interaction between the subducted Paleotethyan slab and the Emeishan mantle plume, GSA Bulletin in January, 2022

18. Jian Xu, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Christopher J. Spencer, Qiang Wang, and Chang-Qing Yin, Identification of High δ18O Adakite-Like Granites in Se Tibet: Implication for Diapiric Relamination of Subducted Sediments, Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (2022), e2022GL098541.

19. Chuan-Mao Yang, Yi-Gang Xu*, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Yu-Ya Gao, Wan-Feng Zhang, Ya-Nan Yang, Qing Yang, and Le Zhang, Raman Spectroscopy-Based Screening of Zircon for Reliable Water Content and Oxygen Isotope Measurements, American Mineralogist, 107 (2022), 936-45.

20. Zhang, Wan-Feng, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Ben-Xun Su, Yi-Gang Xu, Yan-Qiang Zhang, Qing Yang, Le Zhang, and Ze-Xian Cui. 2022. Distinct Geochemical Behavior of Water in Olivine between Silicate and Carbonatite Metasomatism Minerals 12, no. 9: 1090. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12091090

21. Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Meng, Juntong; Ma, Lin; Spencer, Christopher J.; Cui, Zexian; Zhang, Wan-Feng; Yang, Qing; Zhang, Le, Tracing magma water evolution by H2O-in-zircon: A case study in the Gangdese batholith in Tibet, Lithos on December 01, 2021

22. Ma, Peng-Fei; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Lai, Chun-Kit; Cai, Ke-Da; Cui, Ze-Xian; Xu, Jian; Zhang, Le; Yang, Qing, Evolution of the Tethyan Bangong-Nujiang Ocean and its SE Asian connection: Perspective from the Early Cretaceous high-Mg granitoids in SW China, Lithos in May, 2021

23. Yang, Qing; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Cui, Ze-Xian; Zhang, Wan-Feng; Zhang, Yan-Qiang; Lai, Chun-Kit, SIMS simultaneous measurement of oxygen-hydrogen isotopes and water content for hydrous geological samples, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry on April 01, 2021

24. Meng, Juntong; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Ma, Lin; Jiang, Ziqi; Xu, Jian; Cui, Zexian; Yang, Qing; Zhang, Wanfeng; Zhang, Le, A H2O-in-zircon perspective on the heterogeneous water content of crust-derived magmas in southern Tibet, Science China Earth Sciences in July, 2021

25. Lai, Chun-Kit*; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Hall, Robert; Meffre, Sebastien; Tsikouras, Basilios;  Balangue-Tarriela, Maria Ines Rosana;  Idrus, Arifudin;  Ifandi, Elena;  Norazme, Nur'aqidah, Cenozoic Evolution of the Sulu Sea Arc-Basin System: An Overview, Tectonics on February 25, 2021

26. 马鹏飞,夏小平*, 徐健, 崔泽贤, 蒙均桐, 周美玲, 腾冲早白垩世花岗岩的高分异成因及其构造意义, 岩石学报, 2021, 37(4), 1177-1195

27. 周美玲, 夏小平*, 彭头平, 徐健, 马鹏飞, 滇西保山地块早古生代碎屑锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素研究及其对冈瓦纳大陆重建的制约, 岩石学报,2020, 36(2): 469-483

28. Jian Xu, Xiao-Ping XIA*, Keda Cai, Chunkit Lai, Xijun Liu, Mei-Ling Zhou Peng-Fei Ma, Remnants of a Middle Triassic island arc on the western margin of the South China Block: Evidence for a bipolar subduction of Paleotethyan Ailaoshan Ocean, Lithos 360–361 (2020) 105447

29. Xia, X.-P., Xu, J., Huang, C., Long, X., and Zhou, M., 2020, Subduction polarity of the Ailaoshan Ocean (eastern Paleotethys): Constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf-O isotopes for the Longtan Formation: GSA Bulletin, 2020 132(5-6), 987-996.

30. Rucao Li, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Huayong Chen, Nanping Wu, Taiping Zhao, Chunkit Lai, Qing Yang, Yanqiang ZhangA Potential New Chalcopyrite Reference Material for SIMS Sulfur Isotope Ratio AnalysisGeostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 202044, 3, 485 – 500.

31. Qing Yang, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Le Zhang, Wanfeng Zhang, Yanqiang Zhang, Linli Chen, Yanan Yang, Miaohong He, Oxygen isotope homogeneity assessment for apatite U-Th-Pb geochronology reference materials, Surface and Interface Analyses, 2020, 52197-213

32. Wan-Feng Zhang, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Takahashi Eiichi, Li Li, Qing Yang, Yan-Qiang Zhang, Ya-Nan Yang, Ming-Liang Liu, Chunkit Lai, Optimization of SIMS analytical parameters for water content measurement of olivine, Surface and Interface Analyses, 2020, 52224-233

33. Jian Xu, Xiao-Ping XIA*, Chunkit Lai, Xiaoping Long, Chao Huang When did the Paleotethys Ailaoshan Ocean close: new insights from detrital zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopesTectonics, 201938, 1798-1823

34. Xiao-Ping XIA*, Ze-Xian CUI, Wancai LI, Wan-Feng ZHANG, Qing YANG, Hejiu HUI, Chun-Kit LAI, Zircon water content: Reference material development and simultaneous measurement with oxygen isotope by SIMS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry., 2019, 34, 1088-1097 DOI: 10.1039/C9JA00073A

35. Jian Xu ; Xiao-Ping Xia*; Chun-Kit Lai; Meiling Zhou; Pengfei Ma, First Identification of Late Permian NbEnriched Basalts in Ailaoshan Region (SW Yunnan, China): Contribution From Emeishan Plume to Subduction of Eastern Paleotethys, Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46: 1~13

36. Jian Xu ; Xiao-Ping Xia*; Chao Huang; Keda Cai; Changqing Yin; Chun-Kit Lai, Changes of provenance of Permian and Triassic sedimentary rocks from the Ailaoshan suture zone (SW China) with implications for the closure of the eastern Paleotethys , Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019.1, 170: 234~248

37. Li, Rucao; Xia, Xiao-Ping*; Yang, Shenghong; ; Chen, Huayong; Yang, Qing, Off-Mount Calibration and One New Potential Pyrrhotite Reference Material for Sulfur Isotope Measurement by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 2019, 43: 177-187

38. Zhang,W., Xia, X.P*., Zhang,Y., Peng T., Yang Q., 2018. A novel sample preparation method for ultra-high vacuum (UHV) secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis., Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 1405-1590

39. Li R., Chen H*., Xia Xiao-Ping*., Yang Q., Leonid V. Danyushevsky, Chunkit Lai.,Using integrated in-situ sulfide trace element geochemistry and sulfur isotopes to trace ore-forming fluids: Example from the Mina Justa IOCG deposit (southern Perú)., Ore Geology Reviews, 2018, 101: 165~179

40. Qing Yang, Xiao-Ping Xia*, Wanfeng Zhang, Yanqiang Zhang, Boqin Xiong, Yigang Xu, Qiang Wang, Gangjian Wei, An evaluation of precision and accuracy of SIMS oxygen isotope analysis, Solid Earth Sciences, 2018, 81~86

41. Li R. , Chen H*. , Xia Xiao-Ping*, Yang Q., Li L., Xu J., 2017 Ore fluid evolution in the giant Marcona Fe-(Cu) deposit, Perú: Evidence from in-situ sulfur isotope and trace element geochemistry of sulfides, Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, 86: 624~638

42. Xia, Xiao-Ping*, X.S. Nie, C.-K. Lai, Y. Wang, X. Long, and S. Meffre, Where was the Ailaoshan Ocean and when did it open: A perspective based on detrital zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotope evidence. Gondwana Research 2016, 36, 488-502, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.08.006.

43. Sun, Y., M. Ren, Xiao-Ping. Xia*, C. Li, and W. Sun, Determination of Os by isotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with the combination of laser ablation to introduce chemically separated geological samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy 2015, 113, 22-29.

44. Xia, Xiao-Ping*, Z. Ren, G. Wei, L. Zhang, M. Sun, and Y. Wang, In situ rutile U-Pb dating by laser ablation MC-ICPMS. Geochemical Journal 2013, 47(4), 459-468.

45. Xia, Xiao-Ping*, S. Min, H. Geng, Y. Sun, Y. Wang, and G. Zhao, Quasi-simultaneous determination of U-Pb and Hf isotope compositions of zircon by excimer laser-ablation multiple-collector ICPMS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2011, 26(9), 1868-1871.

46. Xia, Xiao-Ping., M. Sun, G. Zhao, F. Wu, and L. Xie, U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of detrital zircons from the Lüliang khondalite, North China Craton, and their tectonic implications. Geological Magazine 2009, 146(05), 701-716

47. Xia, Xiao-Ping., M. Sun, G. Zhao, F. Wu, P. Xu, J. Zhang, and Y. He, Paleoproterozoic crustal growth in the Western Block of the North China Craton: Evidence from detrital zircon Hf and whole rock Sr-nd isotopic compositions of the Khondalites from the Jining Complex. American Journal of Science 2008, 308(3), 304-327, doi:10.2475/03.2008.05.

48. Xia, Xiao-Ping, M. Sun, G. Zhao, and Y. Luo, LA-ICP-MS U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons from the Jining Complex, North China Craton and its tectonic significance. Precambrian Research 2006, 144(3), 199-212.

49. Xia, Xiao-Ping, M. Sun, G. Zhao, F. Wu, P. Xu, J. Zhang, and Y. Luo, U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of detrital zircons from the Wulashan khondalites: constraints on the evolution of the Ordos Terrane, Western Block of the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2006, 241(3), 581-593.

50. Xia, Xiao-Ping., M. Sun, G. Zhao, H. Li, and M. Zhou, Spot zircon U-Pb isotope analysis by ICP-MS coupled with a frequency quintupled (213 nm) Nd-YAG laser system. Geochemical Journal 2004, 38, 191-200.

51. Xiao-Ping XIA, Min SUN, Guochun ZHAO, WU Fuyuan, XU Ping, Jian Zhang, Yanhong HE ZHANG Jiheng, U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope Study of Detrital Zircons from the Wanzi Supracrustals: Constraints on the Tectonic Setting and Evolution of the Fuping Complex, Trans-North China Orogen. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA 2006, 80(6), 844-863.




52. Qiang Ma, Yuting Zhong, Qingzhu Yin, Magdalena Huyskens, Liang Ma, Xiao-Ping Xia, Qing-Ren Meng, Zhonghe Zhou and Yi-Gang XuHigh resolution chronostratigraphy of late Mesozoic sequences in northern North China: Implications for the linkage between intracontinental orogeny, volcanism, Jehol Biota and Pacific subductionGeologyin press

53. Yuto Sato, Eiichi Takahashi, Chang-Ming Xing, Li Li, Ze-Xian Cui, Wan-Feng Zhang, and Xiao-Ping Xia, Absence of Water Content Contrast between Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in Subduction Zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 603 (2023), 117981.

54. Wei Wang, Christopher Spencer, Manoj K. Pandit, Yuan-Bao Wu, Jun-Hong Zhao, Jian-Ping Zheng, Xiao-Ping Xia, and Gui-Mei Lu, Crustal Evolution and Tectonomagmatic History of the Indian Shield at the Periphery of Supercontinents, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 341 (2023), 90-104.

55. Tingyi Wang; Qihai Shu; Xiao-Ping Xia; Chao Li; Yanning Wang; Jiahao Chen; Xiang Sun; M. Santosh; Qingfei Wang, Mantle contributions to granitoids associated with Sn mineralization: Geochemical and isotopic evidence from the giant Dachang deposit, South China, Geoscience Frontiers, 15(1), 2024, 101718

56. Chen, Qiong ; Zhou, Mei-Fu; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Liu, Ping-Ping; Li and O isotopes of mantle xenoliths from deep fault-related Cenozoic basalts in eastern China: The role of subducted components in the generation of the heterogeneous lithospheric mantle, Chemical Geology, 2023, 628 (30) 121471

57. Kun Zhou; Yi-Xiang Chen; Jia-Wei Xiong; Hans-Peter Schertl; Xiao-Ping Xia Fluid effect on zircon O and U-Pb isotopes during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: Insights from the Dora-Maira Massif of the Western AlpsGeoscience Frontiers2023 14(6): 101651

58. Pan Hu; Tao Luo; James Crowley; Yuanbao Wu; Chenxi Zhang; Xiao-Ping Xia; Tao Long; Shaobing Zhang, Zhian Bao, Lei Xu, Lanping Feng, Wen Zhang, Zhaochu Hu, Characterization of Three Sri Lankan Zircon Megacrysts as Potential Reference Materials for Microbeam U‐Pb Geochronology and Hf‐O‐Zr Isotope Measurements Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 47(3), 2023, 509-533



59. Zhang Yunying Sun MinYin JiyuanYuan ChaoSun Zhen Xia, Xiao-Ping Subduction initiation of the western Paleo-Asian Ocean linked to global tectonic reorganization: Insights from Cambrian island-arc magmatism within the West Junggar, NW ChinaGSA Bulletin202213411-12),3099-3112

60. Qiao, Xueyuan;  Li, Wenbo;  Zhang, Lejun;  Zhang, Fanghua;  Zhu, Xuefeng;  Xia, Xiao-Ping, Textural, fluid inclusion, and in-situ oxygen isotope studies of quartz: Constraints on vein formation, disequilibrium fractionation, and gold precipitation at the Bilihe gold deposit, Inner Mongolia, China, American Mineralogist on March 28, 2022

61. Changhong Wang; Zhaochong Zhang; Andrea Giuliani; Sylvie Demouchy; Catherine Thoraval; Lukáš Krmíček; Hongze Bo; Wanfeng Zhang; Xiao-Ping Xia Hydrogen Concentrations and He Isotopes in Olivine From Ultramafic Lamprophyres Provide New Constraints on a Wet Tarim Plume and Earth's Deep Water Cycle, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, 2022, e2022JB024961.

62. Wang, Xiaolei;  Tang, Ming;  Moyen, Jeff;  Wang, Di;  Kroner, Alfred;  Hawkesworth, Chris;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Xie, Hangqiang;  Anhaeusser, Carl;  Hofmann, Axel;  Li, Junyong;  Li, Linsen, The onset of deep recycling of supracrustal materials at the Paleo-Mesoarchean boundary, National Science Review 9, 2022nwab136

63. Wang, Wei;  Cawood, Peter A.;  Spencer, Christopher J.;  Pandit, Manoj K.;  Zhao, Jun-Hong;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Zheng, Jian-Ping;  Lu, Gui-Mei, Global-scale emergence of continental crust during the Mesoarchean-early Neoarchean, Geology on February 01, 2022

64. Li, Rui-Ying;  Hao, Jialong;  Hu, Sen;  Zhang, Wan-Feng;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Lin, Yangting;  Yang, Wei, High-Spatial-Resolution Measurement of Water Content in Olivine Using NanoSIMS 50L, Atomic Spectroscopy in January, 2022

65. Zhang, Yunying;  Sun, Min;  Yin, Jiyuan;  Yuan, Chao;  Sun, Zhen;  Xia, Xiaoping, Maturation of East Junggar oceanic arc related to supracrustal recycling driven by arc-arc collision: perspectives from zircon Hf-O isotopes,  International Journal of Earth Sciences in 2022

66. Zuxing Chen, Jiubin Chen, Landry Soh Tamehe, Yuxiang Zhang, Zhigang Zeng, Xiao-Ping Xia, Zexian Cui, Ting Zhang, and Kun Guo, 'Heavy Copper Isotopes in Arc-Related Lavas from Cold Subduction Zones Uncover a Sub-Arc Mantle Metasomatized by Serpentinite-Derived Sulfate-Rich Fluids', Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127 (2022), e2022JB024910.

67. Kai Wang, Keda Cai, Min Sun, Xiangsong Wang, Xiao-Ping Xia, Bo Zhang, and Bo Wan, 'Diapir Melting of Subducted Mélange Generating Alkaline Arc Magmatism and Its Implications for Material Recycling at Subduction Zone Settings', Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (2022), e2021GL097693.

68. He-Zhi Ma, Yi-Xiang Chen, Kun Zhou, Peng Gao, Yong-Fei Zheng, Xiang-Ping Zha, Xiao-Ping Xia, Zi-Fu Zhao, and Fang Huang, The Effect of Crystal Fractionation on the Geochemical Composition of Syn-Exhumation Magmas: Implication for the Formation of High Δ56Fe Granites in Collisional Orogens, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 332 (2022), 156-85. 

69. Wang XiangsongSun MinLi PengfeiCai KedaZhao GuochunXia Xiao-PingLiu XijunLi ZhenglinLuo YanPearson Graham, Magmatic response to arc-arc amalgamation: Insights from latest Paleozoic igneous rocks from the Gangou section of the Eastern Tianshan, Gondwana Research, 2022, 109, 134-149

70. Wang Kai, Cai Keda, Sun Min, Wang Xiangsong, Xia Xiao-Ping, Zhang Bo, Wan Bo, Diapir Melting of Subducted Melange Generating Alkaline Arc Magmatism and Its Implications for Material Recycling at Subduction Zone Settings, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(10), e2021GL097693

71. Hairuo Wang, Keda Cai, Min Sun, Xiao-Ping Xia, Chun-Kit Lai, Pengfei Li, Bo Wan, and Zhiyong Zhang, Apatite as a Magma Redox Indicator and Its Application in Metallogenic Research, Lithos, 422-423 (2022), 106749.

72. Xiangsong Wang, Min Sun, Roberto F. Weinberg, Keda Cai, Guochun Zhao, Xiao-Ping Xia, Pengfei Li, and Xijun Liu, Adakite Generation as a Result of Fluid-Fluxed Melting at Normal Lower Crustal Pressures, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594 (2022), 117744.

73. Tao Zaili, Yin Jiyuan, Xiao Wenjiao, Seltmann Reimar, Chen, Wen, Sun Min, Wang Tao, Yuan Chao, Thomson Stuart N., Chen Yuelong, Xia Xiao-Ping, Contrasting styles of peraluminous S-type and I-type granitic magmatism: identification and implications for the accretionary history of the Chinese south Tianshan, American Journal of Science, 2022, 322(2), 280-312

74. Hamed Gamaleldien, Zheng-Xiang Li, Mohamed Abu Anbar, J. Brendan Murphy, Noreen J. Evans, and Xia-Ping Xia, Formation of Juvenile Continental Crust in Northern Nubian Shield: New Evidence from Granitic Zircon U-Pb-Hf-O Isotopes, Precambrian Research, 379 (2022), 106791.



75. Zhang Le, Wu Jia-Lin, Zhang Yan-Qiang, Yang, Ya-Nan, He, Peng-Li, Xia Xiao-Ping, Ren, Zhong-Yuan, Simultaneous determination of Sm-Nd isotopes, trace-element compositions and U-Pb ages of titanite using a laser-ablation split-stream technique with the addition of water vapor, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2021, 36(11), 2312-2321

76. Hu, Zhaochu;  Li, Xian-Hua;  Luo, Tao;  Zhang, Wen;  Crowley, James;  Li, Qiuli;  Ling, Xiaoxiao;  Yang, Chuan;  Li, Yang;  Feng, Lanping;  Xia, XiaopingZhang, Shao-Bing;  Wang, Zaicong;  Guo, Jinliang;  Xu, Lei;  Lin, Jie;  Liu, Xiaoming;  Bao, Zhian;  Liu, Yongsheng;  Zong, Keqing;  Chen, Wei;  Hu, Shenghong, Tanz zircon megacrysts: a new zircon reference material for the microbeam determination of U-Pb ages and Zr-O isotopes, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry on December 01, 2021

77. He, Xinghua;  Su, Wenchao;  Shen, Nengping;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Wang, Fangyue, In situ multiple sulfur isotopes and chemistry of pyrite support a sedimentary source-rock model for the Linwang Carlin-type gold deposit in the Youjiang basin, southwest China,  Ore Geology Reviews in December, 2021

78. Tsikouras, Basilios;  Lai, Chun-Kit;  Ifandi, Elena;  Norazme, Nur'Aqidah;  Teo, Chee-Hui;  Xia, Xiao-Ping, New zircon radiometric U/Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data from the ultramafic-mafic sequences of Ranau and Telupid (Sabah, east Malaysia): Time to reconsider the geological evolution of Southeast Asia?, Geology on November 01, 2021

79. Xiong, Jia-Wei;  Chen, Yi-Xiang;  Zhou, Kun;  Schertl, Hans-Peter;  Zheng, Yong-Fei;  Huang, Fang;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Chen, Zhen-WuFe and O isotopes in coesite-bearing jadeite quartzite from the Western Alps record multistage fluid-rock interactions in a continental subduction zone,  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta on November 01, 2021

80. Wang, Sheng;  Jiang, Yingde;  Weinberg, Roberto;  Schulmann, Karel;  Zhang, Jian;  Li, Pengfei;  Xiao, Ming;  Xia, Xiao-Ping, Flow of Devonian anatectic crust in the accretionary Altai Orogenic Belt, central Asia: Insights into horizontal and vertical magma transfer,  GSA Bulletin in November, 2021

81. Luo, Tao;  Li, Qiuli;  Ling, Xiaoxiao;  Li, Yang;  Yang, Chuan;  Wang, Hanlin;  Xia, Xiaoping;  Zhang, Shaobing;  Xu, Lei;  Liu, Xiaoming;  Deng, Xiaodong;  Hu, Zhaochu, Jilin zircon - a new natural reference material for microbeam U-Pb geochronology and Hf-O isotopic analysis,  Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry on October 06, 2021

82. Liebmann, Janne;  Spencer, Christopher J.;  Kirkland, Christopher L.;  Bucholz, Claire E.;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Martin, Laure;  Kitchen, Nami;  Shumlyanskyy, Leonid, Coupling sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios in sediment melts across the Archean-Proterozoic transition,  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta on August 15, 2021

83. Li, Rucao;  Chen, Huayong;  Wu, Nanping;  Wang, Xiaolei;  Xia, Xiao-Ping, Multiple sulfur isotopes in post-Archean deposits as a potential tracer for fluid mixing processes: An example from an iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposit in southern Peru,  Chemical Geology on August 05, 2021

84. Qian, Shengping;  Gazel, Esteban;  Nichols, Alexander R. L.;  Cheng, Hao;  Zhang, Le;  Salters, Vincent J.;  Li, Jie;  Xia, Xiaoping;  Zhou, Huaiyang, The Origin of Late Cenozoic Magmatism in the South China Sea and Southeast Asia,  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems in August, 2021

85. Liebmann, Janne;  Spencer, Christopher J.;  Kirkland, Christopher L.;  Xia, Xiao-Ping Bourdet, JulienEffect of water on delta O-18 in zirconChemical Geology on July 20, 2021

86. Zeng, Xiaojia;  Li, Xiongyao;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Liu, Jianzhong;  Cui, Zexian;  Yu, Wen;  Ouyang, ZiyuanNew Evidence for 4.32 Ga Ancient Silicic Volcanism on the MoonGeophysical Research Letters on July 16, 2021

87. Yao, Jinlong;  Cawood, Peter A.;  Zhao, Guochun;  Han, Yigui;  Xia, Xiaoping;  Liu, Qian;  Wang, PengMariana-type ophiolites constrain the establishment of modern plate tectonic regime during Gondwana assembly,  Nature Communications on July 07, 2021

88. El Dien, Hamed Gamal; Li, Zheng-Xiang; Abu Anbar, Mohamed; Doucet, Luc S.; Murphy, J. Brendan; Evans, Noreen J.; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Li, JiangyuThe largest plagiogranite on Earth formed by re-melting of juvenile proto-continental crustCommunications Earth & Environment on July 05, 2021

89. El Dien, Hamed Gamal; Li, Zheng-Xiang; Abu Anbar, Mohamed; Doucet, Luc S.; Murphy, J. Brendan; Evans, Noreen J.; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Li, JiangyuTwo-stage crustal growth in the Arabian-Nubian shield: Initial arc accretion followed by plume-induced crustal reworkingPrecambrian Research on July 01, 2021

90. He, Miaohong;  Chen, Tianyu;  Liu, Xi;  Yang, Ya-Nan;  Xia, Xiaoping;  Yang, Qing;  He, Pengli;  Di, Jian;  Zhang, Yanqiang;  Wei, GangjianAccurate in situ oxygen isotopic analysis at high resolution by secondary ion mass spectrometry shows the potential of aragonite as a reference material, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry on July 01, 2021

91. Tsikouras, Basilios; Lai, Chun-Kit; Ifandi, Elena; Norazme, Nur'Aqidah; Teo, Chee-Hui;  Xia, Xiao-Ping, New zircon radiometric U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data from the ultramafic-mafic sequences of Ranau and Telupid (Sabah, eastern Malaysia): Time to reconsider the geological evolution of Southeast Asia?, Geology on July 01, 2021

92. Yin, Jiyuan;  Xiao, Wenjiao;  Spencer, Christopher J.;  Sun, Min;  Chen, Wen;  Huang, Huiqing;  Yuan, Chao;  Zhang, Yunying;  Huang, He;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Tao, Zaili, The role and significance of juvenile sediments in the formation of A-type granites, West Junggar oceanic arc (NW China): Zircon Hf-O isotopic perspectives,  GSA Bulletin in July, 2021

93. Zou, Jieqiong; Deng, Wenfeng; Chen, Xuefei; Liu, Xi; Guo, Yangrui;  Cai, Guanqiang;  Xia, Xiaoping;  Yang, Qing;  Zhang, Yanqiang;  Zeng, Ti;  Wei, Gangjian, Temperature control on high-resolution SIMS oxygen isotopic compositions in Porites coral skeletons,  in Solid Earth Sciences on June 15, 2021

94. Li, Jun-Yong; Tang, Ming; Lee, Cin-Ty A.; Wang, Xiao-Lei; Gu, Zhi-Dong; Xia, Xiao-Ping;Wang, Di;  Du, De-Hong;  Li, Lin-Sen, Rapid endogenic rock recycling in magmatic arcs,  Nature Communications on June 10, 2021

95. Liebmann, Janne; Spencer, Christopher J.; Kirkland, Christopher L.; E. Bucholz, Claire; He, Xiao-Fang; Santosh, M.; Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Martin, Laure;  Evans, Noreen J., Emergence of continents above sea-level influences sediment melt composition, Terra Nova on May 11, 2021

96. Zhang, Lei; Ren, Zhong-Yuan; Zhang, Le; Wu, Ya-Dong; Qian, Sheng-Ping; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Xu, Yi-Gang, Nature of the Mantle Plume Under the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: Constraints From Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions of the Lijiang Picrites, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth on May 03, 2021

97. Wei, Bo; Wang, Christina Yan; Wang, Zaicong; Cheng, Huai; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Tan, Wei, Mantle-derived gold scavenged by bismuth-(tellurium)-rich melts: Evidence from the Mesozoic Wulong gold deposit in the North China Craton, Ore Geology Reviews in April, 2021

98. Zhang, Shitao; Ma, Qiang; Chen, Huayong; Long, Xiaoping; Chu, Gaobin; Cheng, Jiamin; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Li, Rucao, Precambrian crust growth and reworking of the eastern Yangtze Craton: insights from xenocrystic zircons in the lamprophyres from the Middle-Lower Yangtze Belt, China, Precambrian Research in April, 2021

99. Zeng, Yun-Chuan; Xu, Ji-Feng; Chen, Jian-Lin; Wang, Bao-Di; Huang, Feng; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Li, Ming-Jian, Early Cretaceous (similar to 138-134 Ma) Forearc Ophiolite and Tectonomagmatic Patterns in Central Tibet: Subduction Termination and Re-initiation of Meso-Tethys Ocean Caused by Collision of an Oceanic Plateau at the Continental Margin?, Tectonics on March 18, 2021

100. Yu, Zhiqiang; He, Huaiyu; Li, Gang; Deng, Chenglong; Wang, Haibing; Zhang, Xinxin; Yang, Qing; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Zhou, Zhonghe; Zhu, Rixiang, SIMS U-Pb geochronology for the Jurassic Yanliao Biota from Bawanggou section, Qinglong (northern Hebei Province, China), International Geology Review on February 11, 2021

101. Wang, Wei; Cawood, Peter A.; Pandit, Manoj K.; Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Raveggi, Massimo;  Zhao, Junhong;  Zheng, Jianping;  Qi, Liang, Fragmentation of South China from greater India during the Rodinia-Gondwana transition,  Geology on February 01, 2021

102. Ou, Quan;  Wang, Qiang;  Zeng, Ji-Peng;  Yang, Jin-Hui;  Zhang, Hai-Xiang;  Xia, Xiao-Ping;  Chen, Yi-Wei, Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Middle Triassic basalts and rhyolites in the northern Qiangtang Block, central Tibet,  Journal of Asian Earth Sciences in February, 2021



103. Miaohong He, Xiao-Ping Xia, Xiaolong Huang, Jinlong Ma, Jieqiong Zou, Qing Yang, Fan Yang, Yanqiang Zhang, Yanan Yang, Gangjian Wei, Rapid determination of the original boron isotopic composition from altered basaltic glass by in situ secondary ion mass spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2020, 35, 238-245

104. Yanhao Lin, Hejiu Hui, Xiao-Ping Xia, Sheng Shang, Wim van Westrenen, Experimental constraints on the solidification of a hydrous lunar magma ocean, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2020,55, 207–230

105. Liu, H.-Q. Yumul, G.P., Jr. Dimalanta, C.B. Queaño, K. Xia, Xiao-Ping Peng, T.-P. Lan, J.-B. Xu, Y.-G. Yan, Y. Guotana, J.M.R. Olfindo, V.S. Western Northern Luzon Isotopic Evidence of Transition From Proto-South China Sea to South China Sea Fossil Ridge Subduction, Tectonics 2020, 39, 2, e2019TC005639

106. Zhiqiang Yu, Huaiyu He, Gang Li, Chenglong Deng, Haibing Wang, Xinxin Zhang, Qing Yang, Xiao-Ping Xia, Zhonghe Zhou, Rixiang Zhu,SIMS U-Pb geochronology for the Jurassic Yanliao Biota from Bawanggou section, Qinglong (northern Hebei Province, China), International Geology Review, 2021, 63(3), 265-275

107. Huang, C., Wang, H., Yang, J.-H., Ramezani, J., Yang, C., Zhang, S.-B., Yang, Y.-H., Xiao-Ping Xia, Feng, L.-J., Lin, J., Wang, T.-T., Ma, Q., He, H.-Y., Xie, L.-W., Wu, S.-T., SA01 – A Proposed Zircon Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Age and Hf-O Isotopic Determination. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,  2020, 44, 103-123

108. Zhang Le, Jia-Lin Wu, Jia-Run Tu, Dan Wu, Nan Li, Xiao-Ping Xia, Zhong-Yuan Ren, RMJG Rutile: A New Natural Reference Material for Microbeam U-Pb Datingand Hf Isotopic Analysis, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 2020, 44133-145.

109. Lubing Hong, Yigang Xu, Le Zhang, Zhe Liu, Xiao-Ping Xia, Yongsheng Kuang, Oxidized Late Mesozoic subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton: A clue to understanding cratonic destruction, Gondwana Research, 2020, 230–239

110. Chen, Yi-XiangDemeny, Attila, Schertl, Hans-Peter, Zheng, Yong-Fei, Huang, Fang, Zhou, Kun, Jin, Qi-Zhen, Xia, Xiao-Ping, Tracing subduction zone fluids with distinct Mg isotope compositions: Insights from high-pressure metasomatic rocks (leucophyllites) from the Eastern, Alps, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 2020, 271, 154-178, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.12.025,

111. Changqing Yin, Jie Ou, Xiaoping Long, Fang Huang, Jian Zhang , Shun Li, Luojuan Wang, Xiao-Ping Xia, and Xiaolan He, Late Cretaceous Neo-Tethyan slab roll-back: Evidence from zircon U-Pb-O and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd-Fe isotopic data of adakitic plutons in the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau, GSA Bulletin, 2020, 132, 1/2, 409–426

112. Jiyuan Yin, Wenjiao Xiao, Min Sun, Chao Yuan, Yunying Zhang, Tao Wang, Qiuyi DU, Xiangsong Wang, Xiao-Ping Xia, Petrogenesis of Early Cambrian granitoids in the western Kunlun orogenic belt, Northwest Tibet: Insight into early stage subduction of the Proto-Tethys OceanGSA Bulletin, 2020132(9/10), 2221–2240

113. Pengfei Li, Min Sun , Gideon Rosenbaum , Keda Cai , Chao Yuan , Fred Jourdan, Xiao-Ping Xia , Yingde Jiang , Yunying Zhang Tectonic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan Orogen from subduction to arc-continent collision: insight from polyphase deformation along the Gangou section, Central Asia, GSA Bulletin, 2020132(11/12), 2529–2552

114. Yujia Xin , Jianhua Li, Lothar Ratschbacher , Guochun Zhao , Shuwen Dong , Yueqiao Zhang , Xiao-Ping Xia , Yingqi Yu, Early Devonian (415400 Ma) A-type granitoids and diabases in the Wuyishan, eastern Cathaysia: A signal of crustal extension coeval with the separation of South China from Gondwana, GSA Bulletin, 2020132 (11/12), 2295–2317

115. Qiang Ma, Yi-Gang Xu, Xiao-Long Huang, Jian-Ping Zheng, Xianquan Ping, Xiao-Ping Xia, Eoarchean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution in the North China Craton: Evidence from U-Pb and Hf-O isotopes of zircons from deep-crustal xenoliths, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278 (2020) 94–109



116. Ding-Ling Huang; Xiao-Lei Wang; Xiao-Ping Xia; Yu-Sheng Wan Feng-Feng Zhang; Jun-Yong L; De-Hong Du, Neoproterozoic Low-δ18O Zircons Revisited: Implications for Rodinia Configuration, Geophysical Research Letters, 2019.1.4, 46: 678~688

117. Le Zhang ; Zhong-Yuan Ren; Xiao-Ping Xia ; Qing Yang; Lu-Bing Hong; Dan Wu, In situ determination of trace elements in melt inclusions using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2019.1.29, 33: 361~370

118. Le Zhang, Zhong-Yuan Ren, Monica R. Handler, Ya-Dong Wu, Lei Zhang, Sheng-Ping Qian, Xiao-Ping Xia, Qing Yang, Yi-Gang Xu, The origins of high-Ti and low-Ti magmas in large igneous provinces, insights from melt inclusion trace elements and Sr-Pb isotopes in the Emeishan large Igneous Province, Lithos, 2019, 122–133, 344–345

119. Dengfeng Li, Huayong Chen, Xiaoming Sun, Yu Fu, Qiaofen Liu, Xiao-Ping Xia, Qing Yang, Coupled trace element and SIMS sulfur isotope geochemistry of sedimentary pyrite: Implications on pyrite growth of Caixiashan Pb-Zn deposit, Geoscience Frontiers, 2019, 10, 2177-2188.

120. Yili Guan, Xuefa Shi, Quanshu Yan, Xun Wei, Yan Zhang, Xiao-Ping Xia, Haoda Zhou, Implications of the melting depth and temperature of the Atlantic mid-ocean ridge basalts, Acta Oceanologica Sinica -English Edition, 2019 38(12):35-42

121. Xiao, M., Yao, Y.J., Cai, Y., Qiu, H.N., Xu, Y.G., Xu, X., Jiang, Y.D., Li, Y.B., Xiao-Ping Xia, Yu, Y.J.,. Evidence of Early Cretaceous lower arc crust delamination and its role in the opening of the South China Sea. Gondwana Research, 2019, 76, 123-145.

122. Lu-Lu Hao ; Qiang Wang ; Derek A. Wyman; Lin Ma; Jun Wang; Xiao-Ping Xia; Quan Ou, First identification of postcollisional A-type magmatism in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen, Geology, 2019.1.8, 47: 187~190

123. Zhang Peng-Fei ; Zhou Mei-Fu ; Robinso Paul T.; Pearce Julian A.; Malpas John; Liu Qiong-Ying; Xiao-Ping Xia, Evolution of nascent mantle wedges during subduction initiation: Li-O isotopic evidence from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019.01.15, 245: 35~58

124. Ma, L., Kerr, A.C., Wang, Q., Jiang, Z.Q., Tang, G.J., Yang, J.H., Xiao-Ping Xia, Hu, W.L., Yang, Z.Y., Sun, P.,. Nature and Evolution of Crust in Southern Lhasa, Tibet: Transformation From Microcontinent to Juvenile Terrane. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2019 124, 6452-6474

125. Ou, Q., Wang, Q., Wyman, D.A., Zhang, C.F., Hao, L.L., Dan, W., Jiang, Z.Q., Wu, F.Y., Yang, J.H., Zhang, H.X., Xiao-Ping Xia, Ma, L., Long, X.P., Li, J.,. Postcollisional delamination and partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle: Evidence from Oligocene (ca. 30 Ma) potassium-rich lavas in the Gemuchaka area of the central Qiangtang Block, Tibet. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2019 131, 1385-1408.

126. Tang, G.Q., Su, B.X., Li, Q.L., Xiao-Ping Xia, Jing, J.J., Feng, L.J., Martin, L., Yang, Q., Li, X.H.,. High-Mg# Olivine, Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxene Reference Materials for In Situ Oxygen Isotope Determination. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 2019, 43, 585-593.

127. Wei, X., Xu, Y.G., He, B., Zhang, L., Xiao-Ping Xia, Shi, X.F.,. Zircon U-Pb age and Hf-O isotope insights into genesis of Permian Tarim felsic rocks, NW China: Implications for crustal melting in response to a mantle plume. Gondwana Research, 2019, 76, 290-302.

128. Jiang, Y. D ; Schulmann, K.; Sun, M.; Weinberg, R. F.; .típská, P.;Li, P. F.; ZhangJ.; Chopin, F.; Wang, S.; Xia, Xiao-Ping, Xiao, W.J., Structural and Geochronological Constraints on Devonian Suprasubduction Tectonic Switching and Permian Collisional Dynamics in the Chinese Altai, Central Asia, Tectonics, 2019.1.27, 38: 253~280

129. Ou, Quan, Wang, Qiang, Zhang, Chunfu, Zhang, Hai-Xiang, Hao, Lu-Lu, Yang, Jin-Hui, Lai, Jian-Qing, Dan, Wei, Jiang, Zi-Qi,, Xia, Xiao-Ping, Petrogenesis of late Early Oligocene trachytes in central Qiangtang Block, Tibetan Plateau: crustal melting during lithospheric delamination? International Geology Review, 2019, 62, 2, 225-242  DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2019.1597391

130. Zhang Le, Ren Zhong-Yuan, Xia Xiao-PingWang Ce, Qian Sheng-Ping An improved U-Pb age dating method for detrital zircon by LA-MC-ICP-MS Geochemical Journal, 2019, 52(5), 433-439



131. Liu Huichuan ; Xia Xiao-Ping; Lai Chun-Kit; Gan Chengshi; Zhou Yongzhi; Huangfu Pengpeng, Break-away of South China from Gondwana: Insights from the Silurian high-Nb basalts and associated magmatic rocks in the Diancangshan-Ailaoshan fold belt (SW China) , Lithos, 2018.10, 318: 194~208

132. Sun, JM; Ding, ZL; Xia, Xiao-Ping ; Sun, M  ; Windley, BF.2018 Detrital zircon evidence for the ternary sources of the Chinese Loess PlateauJournal Of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, 155 21-34

133. Wang, Wei; Cawood, Peter A.; Pandit, Manoj K. Xia, Xiao-Ping; Zhao, Jun-Hong, Coupled Precambrian Crustal Evolution And Supercontinent Cycles. Insights From In-Situ U-Pb, O- And Hf-Isotopes In Detrital Zircon, NW INDIA: American Journal of Science, 2018,318, 10, 989-1017

134. Li, LM; Lin, SF; Xing, GF; Jiang, Y; Xia, Xiao-Ping, 2018 Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Jingtan Formation in the eastern Jiangnan orogen, South China: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic implications  Precambrian Research309 166-180

135. Gao, P ; Zheng, YF; Chen, YX; Zhao, ZF; Xia, Xiao-Ping, 2018 Relict zircon U-Pb age and O isotope evidence for reworking of Neoproterozoic crustal rocks in the origin of Triassic S-type granites in South China, LITHOS, 300: 261-277

136. Zhao Jun-Hong; Pandit Manoj K.; Wang Wei; Xia Xiao-Ping Neoproterozoic tectonothermal evolution of NW India: Evidence from geochemistry and geochronology of granitoids , Lithos, 2018.09, 316: 330~346

137. Lin Ma, Qiang Wang, Andrew C. Kerr, Jin-Hui Yang, Xiao-Ping Xia, Quan Ou, Zong-Yong YangPeng Sun Paleocene (c. 62 Ma) Leucogranites in Southern Lhasa, Tibet: Products of Syn-collisional Crustal Anatexis during Slab Roll-back? Journal of Petrology, 201858(11): 2089-2114

138. Jiang Xiao-Yan ; Ling Ming-Xing; Wu Kai; Zhang Zhe-Kun; Sun Wei-Dong ; Sui Qing-Lin; Xia Xiao-Ping: Insights into the origin of coexisting A(1)- and A(2)-type granites: Implications from zircon Hf-O isotopes of the Huayuangong intrusion in the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China , Lithos, 2018.10, 318: 230~243

139. Liang Pei ; Chen Huayong ; Wu Chao; Zhang Weifeng; Xu Deru; Xia Xiaoping; Liu Zhenjiang; Zhang Zengjie, Mineralization and ore genesis of the Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-(Au) deposit in the northern margin of East Junggar terrane, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes , Ore Geology Reviews, 2018.09, 100: 360~384

140. Zhang Jingyi ; Peng Touping ; Fan Weiming; Zhao Guochun; Dong Xiaohan; Gao Jianfeng; Peng Bingxia; Wei Chao; Xia Xiaoping; Chen Linli; Liang Xirong, Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous granitoids and its mafic enclaves in the Northern Tengchong Terrane, southern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications , Lithos, 2018.10, 318: 283~298

141. 邹洁琼 ; 韦刚健; 邓文峰; 陈雪霏; 杨晴; 夏小平: 利用二次离子质谱分析珊瑚的氧同位素组成 , 地球化学, 2018, (03): 306~312

142. Jiang Xiao-Yan ; Luo Jin-Cheng; Guo Jia; Wu Kai; Zhang Zhe-Kun; Sun Wei-Dong ; Xia Xiao-Ping, Geochemistry of I- and A-type granites of the Qingyang-Jiuhuashan complex, eastern China: Insights into early cretaceous multistage magmatism , Lithos, 2018.09, 316: 278~294

143. Li Deng-Feng ; Chen Hua-Yong ; Hollings Pete; Zhang Li; Sun Xiao-Ming; Zheng Yi; Xia Xiao-Ping; Xiao Bin; Wang Cheng-Ming; Fang Jing, Trace element geochemistry of magnetite: Implications for ore genesis of the Talate skarn Pb-Zn (-Fe) deposit, Altay, NW China , Ore Geology Reviews, 2018.09, 100: 471~482

144. Yang Zong-Yong ; Wang Qiang ; Zhang Chunfu; Dan Wei; Zhang Xiu-Zheng; Qi Yue; Xia Xiao-Ping; Zhao Zhen-Hua, Rare earth element tetrad effect and negative Ce anomalies of the granite porphyries in southern Qiangtang Terrane, central Tibet: New insights into the genesis of highly evolved granites , Lithos, 2018.07, 312: 258~273

145. Chen Ming ; Sun Min ; Buslov Mikhail M.; Cai Keda; Jiang Yingde; Kulikova Anna V; Zheng Jianping; Xia Xiaoping, Variable slab-mantle interaction in a nascent Neoproterozoic arc-back-arc system generating boninitic-tholeiitic lavas and magnesian andesites , Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2018.09, 130(9-10): 1562~1582

146. Hao Lu-Lu ; Wang Qiang ; Wyman Derek A.; Qi Yue; Ma Lin; Huang Fang; Zhang Le; Xia Xiao Ping; Ou Quan, First Identification of Mafic Igneous Enclaves in Miocene Lavas of Southern Tibet With Implications for Indian Continental Subduction , Geophysical Research Letters, 2018.08.28, 45(16): 8205~8213

147. Zihe Bao ; Keda Cai ; Min Sun; Wenjiao Xiao; Bo Wan; Yannan Wang; Xiangsong Wang; Xiaoping Xia, Continental crust melting induced by subduction initiation of the South Tianshan Ocean: Insight from the Latest Devonian granitic magmatism in the southern Yili Block, NW China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018.03.01, 153: 100~117



148. Wei Wang, Peter A. Cawood, Mei-Fu Zhou, Manoj K. Pandit, Xiao-Ping Xia, Jun-Hong Zhao, Low-δ18O Rhyolites From the Malani Igneous Suite: A Positive Test for South China and NW India Linkage in Rodinia, Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, 10, 298-305

149. Tang, Gong-Jian ; Wang, Qiang; Zhang, Chunfu; Wyman, Derek A.; Dan,Wei; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Chen, Hong-Yi; Zhao, Zhen-Hua, Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotope geochemistry of the Ertaibei pluton, East Junggar, NW China: Implications for development of a crustal-scale granitoid pluton and crustal growth , Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2017.09, 18(9): 3340~3358

150. 王强 ; 但卫; 纪伟强; 张修政; 梁华英; 朱弟成; ; 马林, 夏小平 中国西部燕山运动及岩浆作用与成矿, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2017, (04): 570~573

151. Zhang, Le ; Ren, Zhong-Yuan; Ma, Jin-Long; Xia, Xiao-Ping Correction of mass fractionation for isotope dilution analysis by MC-ICP-MS, Geochemica l Journal, 2017, 51(2): 157~165

152. Zhang, Xiu-ZhengWang, QiangDong, Yong-ShengZhang, ChunfuLi, Qing-YunXia, Xiao-PingXu, WangHigh-Pressure Granulite Facies Overprinting During the Exhumation of Eclogites in the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, Central Tibet: Link to Flat-Slab SubductionTECTONICS2017,  36122918-2935DOI: 10.1002/2017TC004774.

153. Chen, Bei ; Long, Xiaoping ; Wilde, Simon A.; Yuan, Chao; Wang, Qiang; Xia, Xiaoping; Zhang, Zhaofeng, Delamination of lithospheric mantle evidenced by Cenozoic potassic rocks in Yunnan, SW China: A contribution to uplift of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau , Lithos, 20177, 284-285: 709~729

154.  Xiangsong Wang ; Keda Cai; Min Sun; Wenjiao Xiao; ; Bo Wan, Xiaoping Xia, Zihe Bao; Yannan Wang, Two contrasting late Paleozoic magmatic episodes in the northwestern Chinese Tianshan Belt, NW China: Implication for tectonic transition from plate convergence to intra-plate adjustment during accretionary orogenesis, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017.3.18

155. Guo-Ning Gou ; Qiang Wang; Derek A. Wyman; Xiao-Ping Xia; Gang-Jian, Wei; Hai-Feng Guo, In situ boron isotopic analyses of tourmalines from Neogene magmatic rocks in the northern and southern margins of Tibet: Evidence for melting of continental crust and sediment recycling, Solid Earth Sciences, 2017.6, 2(2): 43~54

156. Ma, Qiang ; Xu, Yi-Gang; Zheng, Jian-Ping; Sun, Min; Griffin, William L.; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Pan, Shao-Kui, Phanerozoic magma underplating and crustal growth beneath the North China Craton, Terra Nova, 2017.8, 29(4): 211~217

157. Longming Li ; Shoufa Lin; Guangfu Xing; Yang Jiang; Xiao-Ping Xia Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Jingtan Formation in the eastern Jiangnan orogen, South China: Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic implications, Precambrian Research, 2017.2.27

158. Yongfei Tian ; Jia Sun; Huishou Ye; Jingwen Mao; Xiaoxia Wang; Minfeng Bi; Xiaoping Xia, Genesis of the Dianfang breccia-hosted gold deposit, western Henan Province, China: Constraints from geology, geochronology and geochemistry, Ore Geology Reviews, 2017.8.8

159. Yu, Yang ; Sun, Min ; Huang, Xiao-Long; Zhao, Guochun; Li, Pengfei; Long, Xiaoping; Cai, Keda; Xia, Xiaoping, Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopic evidence for modification of the Devonian lithospheric mantle beneath the Chinese Altai, Lithos, 2017.7, 284–285: 207~221

160. Pei Liang ; Huayong Chen; Chao Wu; Weifeng Zhang; Deru Xu; Xiaoping Xia; Zhenjiang Liu; Zengjie Zhang, Mineralization and ore genesis of the Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-(Au) deposit in the northern margin of East Junggar terrane, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Constraints from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes, Ore Geology Reviews, 2017.3.16, 100: 360~384

161. Wenjing Li ; Changqing Yin; Xiaoping Long; Jian Zhang; Xiaoping Xia; Luojuan Wang, Paleoproterozoic S-type granites from the Helanshan Complex in Inner Mongolia: Constraints on the provenance and the Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton, Precambrian Research, 2017.9, 299: 195~209

162. Xia Hu ; Huayong Chen; Liandang Zhao; Jinsheng Han; Xiao-Ping Xia Magnetite geochemistry of the Longqiao and Tieshan Fe–(Cu) deposits in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Belt: Implications for deposit type and ore genesis, Ore Geology Reviews, 2017.10, 89: 822~835



163. Cai, K., M. Sun, B. M. Jahn, W. Xiao, X. Long, H. Chen, Xia Xiao-Ping, M. Chen, and X. Wang, Petrogenesis of the Permian Intermediate-Mafic Dikes in the Chinese Altai, Northwest China: Implication for a Postaccretion Extensional Scenario. Journal of Geology 2016, 124(4), 481-500.

164. Zhang, X. Z., Y. S. Dong, W. Qiang, D. Wei, C. Zhang, M. R. Deng, X. Wang, Xiao-Ping Xia, J. P. Zeng, and L. He, Carboniferous and Permian evolutionary records for the Paleo-Tethys Ocean constrained by newly discovered Xiangtaohu ophiolites from central Qiangtang, central Tibet: C-P ophiolites for Paleo-Tethys. Tectonics 2016, 35(7), 1670-1686.

165. Zhang, Y., C. Yuan, M. Sun, X. Long, X. Xia, X. Wang, and Z. Huang, Permian doleritic dikes in the Beishan Orogenic Belt, NW China: Asthenosphere-lithosphere interaction in response to slab break-off. Lithos 2015, 233(4), 174-192.

166. Zhang, L., Z. Y. Ren, X. P. Xia, J. Li, and Z. F. Zhang, IsotopeMaker: A Matlab program for isotopic data reduction. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2015, 392, 118-124.

167. Peng, T., W. Fan, G. Zhao, B. Peng, X. Xia, and Y. Mao, Petrogenesis of the early Paleozoic strongly peraluminous granites in the Western South China Block and its tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2015, 98, 399-420, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.11.022.

168. Wang, Yuejun ; Xing, Xiaowan; Cawood, Peter A.; Lai, Shaocong; Xia, Xiao-Ping; Fan, Weiming; Liu, Huichuan; Zhang, Feifei, Petrogenesis of early Paleozoic peraluminous granite in the Sibumasu Block of SW Yunnan and diachronous accretionary orogenesis along the northern margin of Gondwana , Lithos, 2015.8.1, 230: 222~222

169. Gao, X. Y., Y. F. Zheng, X. P. Xia, and Y. X. Chen, U–Pb ages and trace elements of metamorphic rutile from ultrahigh-pressure quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2014, 143(143), 87-114.

170. Chen, N., S. Gong, X. Xia, H. Geng, L. Wang, M. Sun, and T. M. Kusky, Zircon Hf Isotope of Yingfeng Rapakivi Granites from the Quanji Massif and similar to 2.7 Ga Crustal Growth. Journal of Earth Science 2013, 24(1), 29-41.

171. Wang, Y., X. Xing, P. A. Cawood, S. Lai, X. Xia, W. Fan, H. Liu, and F. Zhang, Petrogenesis of early Paleozoic peraluminous granite in the Sibumasu Block of SW Yunnan and diachronous accretionary orogenesis along the northern margin of Gondwana. Lithos 2013, 182-183, 67-85, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2013.09.010.

172. Kröner, A., D.V. Alexeiev, Y.Rojas-Agramonte, E.Hegner, J.Wong, X.Xia, E.Belousova, A.V.Mikolaichuk, R.Seltmann, D.Liu, V.V.Kiselev., Mesoproterozoic (Grenville-age) terranes in the Kyrgyz North Tianshan: Zircon ages and Nd–Hf isotopic constraints on the origin and evolution of basement blocks in the southern Central Asian Orogen. Gondwana Research 2013, 23(1), 272-295, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2012.05.004.

173. Aitchison, J. C., X. Xia, A. T. Baxter, and J. R. Ali, Detrital zircon U–Pb ages along the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone, Tibet: Implications for oblique convergence and collision between India and Asia. Gondwana Research 2011, 20(4), 691-709.

174. Jiang, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, C. Yuan, W. Xiao, X. Xia, X. Long, and F. Wu, Precambrian detrital zircons in the Early Paleozoic Chinese Altai: Their provenance and implications for the crustal growth of central Asia. Precambrian Research 2011, 189(1-2), 140-154, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2011.05.008.

175. Alexeiev, D. V., A. V. Ryazantsev, A. Kröner, A. A. Tretyakov, X. Xia, and D. Y. Liu, Geochemical data and zircon ages for rocks in a high-pressure belt of Chu-Yili Mountains, southern Kazakhstan: Implications for the earliest stages of accretion in Kazakhstan and the Tianshan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2011, 42(5), 805-820.

176. Li, L. M., M. Sun, Y. Wang, G. Xing, G. Zhao, S. Lin, X. Xia, L. Chan, F. Zhang, and J. Wong, U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of zircons from migmatised amphibolites in the Cathaysia Block: Implications for the early Paleozoic peak tectonothermal event in Southeastern China. Gondwana Research 2011, 19(1), 191-201.

177. Yin, C., G. Zhao, J. Guo, M. Sun, X. Xia, X. Zhou, and C. Liu, U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of zircons of the Helanshan Complex: Constrains on the evolution of the Khondalite Belt in the Western Block of the North China Craton. Lithos 2011, 122(1-2), 25-38.

178. Rojas-Agramonte, Y., A. Kröner, A. Demoux, X. Xia, W. Wang, T. Donskaya, D. Liu, and M. Sun, Detrital and xenocrystic zircon ages from Neoproterozoic to Palaeozoic arc terranes of Mongolia: Significance for the origin of crustal fragments in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research 2011, 19(3), 751-763.

179. Jiang, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, C. Yuan, W. Xiao, X. Xia, X. Long, and F. Wu, The 390 Ma high-T metamorphic event in the Chinese Altai: A consequence of ridge-subduction? American Journal of Science 2010, 310(10), 1421-1452.

180. Hegner, E., R. Klemd, A. Kroner, M. Corsini, D. V. Alexeiev, L. M. Iaccheri, T. Zack, P. Dulski, X. Xia, and B. F. Windley, Mineral ages and P-T conditions of Late Paleozoic high-pressure eclogite and provenance of melange sediments from Atbashi in the south Tianshan orogen of Kyrgyzstan. American Journal of Science 2010, 310(9), 916-950.

181. Long, X., C. Yuan, M. Sun, W. Xiao, G. Zhao, Y. Wang, K. Cai, X. Xia, and L. Xie, Detrital zircon ages and Hf isotopes of the early Paleozoic flysch sequence in the Chinese Altai, NW China: New constrains on depositional age, provenance and tectonic evolution. Tectonophysics 2010, 480(1-4), 213-231, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.10.013.

182. Zhao, G., S. Li, J. Zhang, M. Sun, and X. Xia, A comment on “Tectonic evolution of the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping complexes and its implication for the Trans-North China Orogen”. Precambrian Research 2010, 176(1-4), 94-98, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2009.10.002.

183. Yin, C., G. Zhao, S. Min, X. Xia, C. Wei, X. Zhou, and W. Leung, LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages of the Qianlishan Complex: Constrains on the evolution of the Khondalite Belt in the Western Block of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research 2009, 174(1), 78-94.

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185. He, Y., G. Zhao, M. Sun, and X. Xia, SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon geochronology of the Xiong’er volcanic rocks: Implications for the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic evolution of the southern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research 2009, 168(3), 213-222.

186. Wang, Y., Y. Zhang, G. Zhao, W. Fan, X. Xia, F. Zhang, and A. Zhang, Zircon U–Pb geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of the Taishan sanukitoids (Shandong): Implications for Neoarchean subduction in the Eastern Block, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 2009, 174(3), 273-286.

187. Chen, N., S. Gong, M. Sun, X. Li, X. Xia, Q. Wang, F. Wu, and P. Xu, Precambrian evolution of the Quanji Block, northeastern margin of Tibet: Insights from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope compositions. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2009, 35(3), 367-376.

188. Yuan, C., M. Sun, W. Xiao, S. Wilde, X. Li, X. Liu, X. Long, X. Xia, K. Ye, and J. Li, Garnet-bearing tonalitic porphyry from East Kunlun, Northeast Tibetan Plateau: implications for adakite and magmas from the MASH Zone. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2009, 98(6), 1489-1510.

189. Wong, J., M. Sun, G. Xing, X.-h. Li, G. Zhao, K. Wong, C. Yuan, X. Xia, L. Li, and F. Wu, Geochemical and zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of the Baijuhuajian metaluminous A-type granite: Extension at 125–100 Ma and its tectonic significance for South China. Lithos 2009, 112(3-4), 289-305, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.03.009.

190. Sun, Y.L., Z. Chu, M. Sun and Xia, Xiao-Ping, An Improved Fe–Ni Sulfide Fire Assay Method for Determination of Re, Platinum Group Elements, and Os Isotopic Ratios by Inductively Coupled Plasma– and Negative Thermal Ionization–Mass Spectrometry. Applied Spectroscopy 2009, 63(11), 1232-1237.

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192. Luo, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, S. Li, J. C. Ayers, X. Xia, and J. Zhang, A comparison of U–Pb and Hf isotopic compositions of detrital zircons from the North and South Liaohe Groups: Constraints on the evolution of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 2008, 163(3-4), 279-306, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2008.01.002.

193. Sun, M., C. Yuan, W. Xiao, X. Long, X. Xia, G. Zhao, S. Lin, F. Wu, and A. Kröner, Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of gneissic rocks from the Chinese Altai: Progressive accretionary history in the early to middle Palaeozoic. Chemical Geology 2008, 247(3-4), 352-383, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.10.026.

194. Wang, Y. J., G. C. Zhao, W. M. Fan, T. P. Peng, L. H. Sun and X. P. Xia, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology and geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes from western Shandong Province: Implications for back-arc basin magmatism in the Eastern Block, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 2007, 154(1), 107-124.

195. Long, X., M. Sun, C. Yuan, W. Xiao, S. Lin, F. Wu, X. Xia, and K. Cai, Detrital zircon age and Hf isotopic studies for metasedimentary rocks from the Chinese Altai: Implications for the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Tectonics 2007, 26(5), doi:10.1029/2007tc002128.

196. Yang, S. Y., S. Y. Jiang, H. F. Ling, X. P. Xia, M. Sun, and D. J. Wang, Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Changjiang sediments: Implications for tracing sediment sources. Science in China 2007, 50(10), 1556-1565.

197. Zhao, G., K. A, W. Sa, M. Sun, S. Li, X. Li, J. Zhang, X. Xia, and Y. He, Lithotectonic elements and geological events in the Hengshan–Wutai–Fuping belt: a synthesis and implications for the evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Mineralogical Magazine 2007, 144(5), 753-775.

198. Yuan, C., M. Sun, W. Xiao, L. I. Xianhua, H. Chen, S. Lin, X. Xia, and X. Long, Accretionary orogenesis of the Chinese Altai : Insights from Paleozoic granitoids. Chemical Geology 2007, 242(1), 22-39.

199. Zhou, M. F., J. H. Zhao, X. P. Xia, W. H. Sun, and D. P. Yan, Comment on "Revisiting the "Yanbian Terrane": Implications for Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the western Yangtze Block, South China" [Precambrian Res. 151 (2006) 14-30]. Precambrian Research 2007, 155(3-4), 313-317.

200. Luo, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, S. Li, and X. Xia, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Yushulazi Group in the Eastern Block, North China Craton. International Geology Review 2006, 48(9), 828-840.

201. Zhang, J., G. Zhao, L. I. Sanzhong, M. Sun, S. Liu, X. Xia, and H. E. Yanhong, U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Granitic Conglomerates of the Hutuo Group: Affinities to the Wutai Granitoids and Significance to the Tectonic Evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 2006, 80(6), 886-898.

202. Zhao, G., S. Liu, M. Sun, S. Li, S. Wilde, X. Xia, J. Zhang, and Y. He, What Happened in the Trans-North China Orogen in the Period 2560-1850 Ma. Acta Geologica Sinica 2006, 80(6), 790-806.

203. Zhou, M., Y. Ma, D. Yan, X. Xia, J. Zhao, and M. Sun, The Yanbian Terrane (Southern Sichuan Province, SW China): A Neoproterozoic arc assemblage in the western margin of the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 2006, 144(1-2), 19-38, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2005.11.002.

204. Luo, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, S. Li, P. Xu, K. Ye, and X. Xia, LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages of the Liaohe Group in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton: constraints on the evolution of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt. Precambrian Research 2004, 134(3), 349-371.

205. 陈能松, 夏小平, 李晓彦, 孙敏, 徐平, 柳小明, 王新宇, 王勤燕, 柴北缘花岗片麻岩的岩浆作用计时和前寒武纪地壳增长的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素证据. 岩石学报 2007, 23(2), 501-512.

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210. Li, S., G. Zhao, M. Sun, Z. Han, Y. Luo, D. Hao, and X. Xia, Deformation history of the Paleoproterozoic Liaohe assemblage in the eastern block of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2005, 24(5), 659-674.

211.  Luo, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, S. Li, and Xia, Xiao-Ping LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Yushulazi formation in the North China Craton. International Geology Review 2005, 48(9), 828-840.

212.  Luo, Y., M. Sun, G. Zhao, S. Li, P. Xu, K. Ye, and Xia Xiao-Ping, LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages of the Liaohe Group in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton: constraints on the evolution of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt. Precambrian Research 2004, 134(3), 349-371.



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1. 马思源,十万大山盆地构造成因的沉积记录研究,在读,博士(跟何斌研究员合作指导)

2. 陈绮静,峨眉山地幔柱苦橄岩熔体包裹体水含量和氢同位素研究,在读,博士(跟袁超研究员合作指导)

3. 莫静,S型花岗岩中锆石水含量及其岩石成因意义,在读,博士

4. 刘文鑫,磷灰石的H-Cl-O-S同位素体系SIMS分析与应用,在读,博士

5. 祁家明,越北铀矿复合成矿的成矿模型和构造背景研究,在读,博士

6. 朱鑫,南盘江盆地中生代中基性岩的成因和构造意义,在读,博士

7. 王勇,嫦娥5号返回样品中名义上无水矿物的水含量研究,在读,博士

8. 蒙扬,十万大山-大容山花岗岩挥发分组成及构造意义研究,在读,硕士

9. 岳玉凡,十万大山-大容山花岗岩高精度年代学及构造意义研究,在读,硕士

10. 陈晓艳,海南岛二叠世高氧花岗岩成因研究,在读,硕士

11. 张万峰,橄榄石中水含量的测定及其对地幔交代的指示意义,2023,博士(跟徐义刚院士合作指导)

12. 杨传茂,华北克拉通中生代花岗岩锆石水含量及其对克拉通破坏的启示,在读,2022博士 (跟徐义刚院士合作指导)

13. 马鹏飞,腾冲早白垩纪中基性岩浆成因及大地构造意义,2021博士

14. 徐健,哀牢山古特提斯洋的俯冲与闭合:碎屑沉积与岩浆作用记录,2019,博士

15. 李如操,原位微区SIMS硫同位素分析方法开发与应用示范,2017,博士

16. 黄卓辉,南盘江盆地晚古生代-中生代碎屑锆石物源研究,2023,硕士

17. 蔡克鸿,华南佛冈岩体锆石水含量研究,2022硕士

18. 蒙均桐,利用锆石水含量示踪岩浆分离结晶,2021硕士

19. 崔泽贤,锆石中水含量的含量测试、赋存机制及其地质应用,2020,硕士

20. 周美玲,滇西保山、腾冲地体的碎屑锆石年代学和Hf同位素研究及其地质意义2019 硕士

21. 黄潮,哀牢山构造带龙潭组碎屑沉积物源示踪及其对哀牢山洋俯冲方向的限制,2018,硕士

22. 李玲,第四纪锆石SIMS原位微区铀系不平衡定年方法研究,2016,硕士

23. 聂小松,哀牢山构造带及邻区古生代碎屑沉积记录物源示踪及其大地构造意义,2015,硕士

