
陶泽 简介

来源:   发布:2025-02-25 16:20:41  点击量:



楚天英才计划楚天学者,主持包括国家自然科学基金、中石化重点实验室开放基金等纵向项目3项,参与国家自然科学基金,中石化等横向项目10余项。发表文章30余篇,以第一作者和通讯作者在AAPG BulletinMPGJSG等期刊发表文章8篇,担任Marine and Petroleum GeologyJSG等期刊审稿人。





联系方式dwsbzraatin@126.com taoze@cug.edu.cn 




2007.09-2011.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球物理学院 地球物理学 本科

2011.09-2014.06 中国地质大学(武汉)  资源学院  矿产普查与勘探  硕士 导师:何生教授

2014.10-2019.01 英国Cardiff University 地球与环境科学学院 地球科学  博士  导师:Tiago M. Alves教授




2024.12-至今    长江大学  资源与环境学院  副教授

2023.02-2024.12  长江大学  资源与环境学院  讲师

2019.02-2023.02 中国地质大学(武汉) 资源学院博士后 合作导师:何生教授




1. LUO, T., GUO, X., HE, Z., OMOSANYA, K. O., TAO, Z*. & HE, S. 2024b. Evolution of overpressure in the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale reservoirs of the Jiaoshiba area, Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Implications for shale gas preservation. AAPG Bulletin, 108, 1985-2008.

2. TAO, Z*. & ALVES, T. M. 2023. Seal failure and fluid flow in salt-bearing sedimentary basins: A critical example from the Espírito Santo basin, SE Brazil. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 156, 106460.

3. TAO, Z*., HE, Z., ALVES, T. M., GUO, X., GAO, J., HE, S. & ZHAO, W. 2022. Structural inheritance and its control on overpressure preservation in mature sedimentary basins (Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 137, 105504.

4. ZE, T*. & ALVES, T. M. 2021. Localized strata-bound domino faulting offshore Espírito Santo Basin (southeastern Brazil): The case for sudden release of fluid in salt-withdrawal basins. AAPG Bulletin, 105, 1535-1562.

5. TAO, Z*. & ALVES, T. M. 2019. Impacts of data sampling on the interpretation of normal fault propagation and segment linkage. Tectonophysics, 762, 79-96.

6. TAO, Z. & ALVES, T. M*. 2017. The role of gravitational collapse in controlling the evolution of crestal fault systems (Espírito Santo Basin, SE Brazil)Reply. Journal of Structural Geology, 98, 12-14.

7. ZE, T*. & ALVES, T. M. 2016. The role of gravitational collapse in controlling the evolution of crestal fault systems (Espírito Santo Basin, SE Brazil). Journal of Structural Geology, 92, 79-98.

8. 曹自成, 蒋华山, 张俊程, 耿峰, 沙旭光, 郝建龙, 李通, 郭小文 & 陶泽*, 2023. 塔里木盆地西南地区前寒武纪基底结构及其演化. 石油实验地质, 45, 844-856.




9. ALVES, T. M., TAYLOR, J., CORCORANT, P. & TAO, Z. 2025. Data sampling strategies for accurate fault analyses: A scale-independent test based on a machine learning approach. Journal of Structural Geology, 191, 105342.

10. LUO, T., GUO, X., HE, Z., TAO, Z., YUN, N., HUANG, Y., WANG, F. & ZHAO, J.-X. 2025. Natural gas accumulation and modification in the Precambrian carbonate reservoirs of the southwestern Sichuan Basin, China: Insight from pore fluid overpressure reconstruction and simulation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 280, 106451.

11. PENG, D., YANG, D., CHENG, F., SHE, X., TAO, Z. & LIU, Y. 2025. MesozoicPaleozoic Structural Characteristics and Their Controlling Effects on Oil and Gas in the Kongnan Area of Bohai Bay Basin. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13, 232.

12. XU, H., GUO, X., CAO, Z., ALVES, T. M., TAO, Z., WANG, B., CHEN, J., ZUO, G., ZHANG, X. & LUO, T. 2025. Petroleum-charge history of Paleozoic carbonates in the Tahe oil field, Tarim Basin, northwestern China: Insights from oil geochemistry, fluid inclusion, and U-Pb dating. AAPG Bulletin, 109, 57-84.

13. ZHANG, J., CAO, Z., GUO, X., LU, X., GENG, F., GAO, J., LIU, Y. & TAO, Z. 2025. Hydrothermal Influence on Ultra-Deep Petroleum and Gas in the Tarim Basin: Evidence from Calcite Veins. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 213687.

14. LUO, T., GUO, X., HE, Z., DONG, T., TAO, Z., YANG, R. & WANG, K. 2024a. Fluid evolution and gas enrichment in the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale reservoirs of the eastern Sichuan Basin, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 259, 105905.

15. LUO, T., GUO, X., HE, Z., TAO, Z., HE, S., HUANG, Y. & ZHU, Y. 2024c. Hydrocarbon accumulation and reconstruction in the Ediacaran Dengying carbonate reservoirs of the southeastern and central Sichuan Basin, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 276, 106352.

16. LUO, T., GUO, X., HE, Z., YUN, N., TAO, Z. & WANG, F. 2024d. Determination of multistage oil charge processes in the Ediacaran Dengying gas reservoirs of the southwestern Sichuan basin, SW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 164, 106853.

17. LUO, T., GUO, X., HE, Z., ZHAO, J.-X., TAO, Z., DONG, T., YANG, R. & CHEN, J. 2024e. Contrasting fracturing and cementation timings during shale gas accumulation and preservation: An example from the Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Fuling shale gas field, Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 170, 107138.

18. CHEN, J., CHEN, C., HE, Z., GUO, X., ZHU, H., TAO, Z., LUO, T., ZHANG, D. & SUN, Z. 2024. Differential evolution of pore fluid pressure in the Sinian carbonate reservoirs of the central and eastern Sichuan Basin, China: Implication for gas preservation and destruction. Geological Journal, 59, 2720-2739.

19. XU, H., CAO, Z., GUI, L., OMOSANYA, K. O., GENG, F., TAO, Z. & GUO, X. 2024a. Petroleum accumulations in the tarim basin during various tectonic stages as revealed by UPb dating of multi-phase calcite veins in deeply buried carbonate reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 164, 106790.

20. XU, H., GUO, X., CAO, Z., ALVES, T. M., TAO, Z., WANG, B., CHEN, J., ZUO, G., ZHANG, X. & LUO, T. 2024b. Petroleum-charge history of Paleozoic carbonates in the Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China: Insights from oil-geochemistry, fluid-inclusion and U-Pb dating. AAPG Bulletin.

21. HUANG, Y., LUO, T., TAO, Z., HE, Z., TARANTOLA, A., HE, S., GUO, X., ZHANG, D. & SUN, Z. 2023. Fluid evolution and petroleum accumulation in the precambrian gas reservoirs of the Sichuan Basin, SW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 150, 106171.

22. CHEN, J., GUO, X., HE, Z., TAO, Z., ZHU, H., LUO, T., ZHANG, D. & SUN, Z. 2022a. Maturity assessment of solid bitumen in the Sinian carbonate reservoirs of the eastern and central Sichuan Basin, China: Application for hydrocarbon generation modelling. Geological Journal, 57, 4662-4681.

23. CHEN, J., GUO, X., TAO, Z., CAO, Z., WANG, B., ZHANG, X., XU, H. & ZHAO, J.-X. 2022b. U-Pb dating of oil charge in superimposed basins: A case study from the Tarim Basin, NW China. GSA Bulletin, 134, 3176-3188.

24. HUANG, Y., HE, Z., HE, S., TAO, Z., LIU, X., LUO, T., GUO, X., ZHANG, D., SUN, Z. & DONG, T. 2022. Fluid geochemical response recorded in the alteration of marine carbonate reservoirs: the Silurian Shiniulan Formation, southeast Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109625.

25. HUA, Y., GUO, X., TAO, Z., HE, S., DONG, T., HAN, Y. & YANG, R. 2021. Mechanisms for overpressure generation in the bonan sag of Zhanhua depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 128, 105032.

26. YANG, W., HE, S., ZHAI, G., TAO, Z., YUAN, X. & WEI, S. 2021c. Maturity assessment of the Lower Cambrian and Sinian shales using multiple technical approaches. Journal of Earth Science, 1-16.

27. SONG, J., ALVES, T., OMOSANYA, K., HALES, T. & ZE, T. 2020. Tectonic evolution of strike-slip zones on continental margins and their impact on the development of submarine landslides (Storegga Slide, northeast Atlantic). GSA Bulletin, 132, 2397-2414.

28. YANG, W., HE, S., ZHAI, G., TAO, Z., DONG, T., HAN, Y., CHEN, K. & WEI, S. 2020b. Pore characteristics of the lower Sinian Doushantuo Shale in the Mid-Yangtze Yichang area of China: Insights into a distinct shale gas reservoir in the Neoproterozoic formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 73, 103085.

29. 罗涛, 何治亮, 郭小文, 黄亚浩, 陶泽 & 陈家旭 2021. 川东南丁山地区石牛栏组成脉流体来源与油气成藏. 地质科技通报, 40, 231-241

30. 朱彦先, 何生, 何治亮, 张殿伟, 张树林, 孙自明 & 陶泽 2020. 川东南地区中—下寒武统膏岩层系分布特征及其影响因素. 石油实验地质, 42, 910-919.

31. 孙琦, 李天义, 周雁, 杨军, 陶泽, 杨甘生 & 樊德华 2012. 川东北 YB 地区陆相地层超压特征及压力预测. 石油实验地质, 34, 611-616.




1. 牛庄洼陷沙四上亚段裂缝型页岩油储层特征及预测评价,中石化胜利油田,2025-2026,骨干

2. 西部斜坡带(北部)关键界面古地貌恢复与控砂机制研究,中石化勘探院,2024-2025,骨干

3. 下扬子中古生界弶港地区二叠系勘探目标研究与部署,中石化江苏油田,2024-2025,骨干

4. 走滑断裂体系精细表征与成因机制研究,中国石化深部地质与资源重点实验室开放基金,2024-2026,主持

5. 盆地深部地质作用过程与资源效应 - 盆地深部地质动力学背景与环境,国家自然科学基金企业联合基金项目,2021-2024. 骨干

6. 内蒙古重点盆地油气地质条件及勘探潜力研究,中海油北京研究院横向合作项目,2023.04-2023.11.技术负责张性断层断距分析方法精度控制定量模型研究国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2020-2022.主持

7. 张性断层距分析方法精度控制研究-以东营凹陷为例,中国博士基金管理委员会博士后面上项目,2019 - 2022. 主持

8. 阿克亚苏地区奥陶系油气富集主控因素测试. 中石化西北局横向合作项目,2021-2022.技术首席

9. 南塔里木前寒武基底测年与结构分析测试,中石化西北局横向合作项目,2021-2022.骨干

10. 四川盆地东部下组合新领域及突破目标评价,中石化科技部合作项目,2019-2021. 骨干.

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